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Physical Therapy & Rehabiltiation


Physical Therapy is a healthcare specialty that includes specific evaluation, assessment, and treatment for individuals with limitations in functional mobility. Services are provided at this location by a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy and are trained to assess your condition and help you regain maximal functional mobility and independence.

Your Doctor of Physical Therapy will provide a variety of treatment modalities and techniques geared towards you to help you feel better and move better. Choosing physical therapy has been shown to help you recover quickly and safely, and it can save you money due to decreased overall healthcare costs. According to the Center for Disease Control, falls among older adults cost the United States healthcare system $34 billion dollars in direct medical costs.

Following an American Institute of Balance protocol for falls reduction and balance retraining through physical therapy, there is an estimated reduction of up to 25% of falls rate and reduction in fall-related injury by half. There is an estimated one-third of 65-year-old adults who fall at least once in their lifetime. Within that near 30% that do fall, another 30% find themselves injured. Unfortunately, one-fifth of those individuals who have fractured hips from the injury die within the first year.

What to expect?

During your initial evaluation with your Doctor of Physical Therapy, you will find one-on-one,
individualized assessment of your functional deficits. After making a diagnosis, your Doctor of Physical Therapy will craft a personalized treatment plan to help you improve your mobility, reduce any sensations of pain or dizziness, and improve your balance for safe and independent activities of daily living. Our goal here at the American Institute of Balance is to empower you to be an active participant in your rehabilitation.